Major upgrades of the finance and procurement software solution can have large impact for Alliade Zorggroep. With thousands of users that can create digital purchase requisitions and hundreds of budget responsibles and managers, able to approve requisitions and invoices, a minor malfunction or inefficiency can have a huge impact.
OptiMinds guaranteed a smooth upgrade by participating in lean sessions, optimization of the project planning, risk mitigation, organization and coordination of a thorough testing phase and support after go-live for both finance and procurement departments. Side projects were onboarding of new business activities and a wide range of optimizations such as efficient software usage, contract management and project reporting.
Zorggroep Alliade provides basic care to people with disabilities and the elderly. In addition, the care group provides specialized care to people with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric problems. Zorggroep Alliade is a group consisting of nine independent daughter foundations and private limited companies. Each care partner has its own identity and own policy. Zorggroep Alliade employs approximately 7.000 people at different locations in Friesland and Groningen.